Brewing to Style: Cold IPA - Video Course

Item Number: 45001

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Northern Brewer University takes a deep dive into one of the hottest (er… coldest) new craft beer styles: Cold IPA. Course instructor Chip Walton breaks down the style guidelines and ingredients to look at what makes Cold IPA unique from other IPAs and hoppy beer styles. Hear the style’s origin story directly from the brewer credited with developing the style, Kevin Davey of Wayfinder Beer, and learn more about what he considers the essential elements of a Cold IPA. You’ll also hear from two more professional brewers about their Cold IPA process and get a bit into the business of selling IPAs. Then it’s time to brew! Two Northern Brewer homebrewers walk us through their different methods for making a Cold IPA in three video demonstrations.

The Brewing to Style series looks at different beer styles – everything from classic and historical styles, to the most popular new styles – what makes them unique, how they are brewed, and what variations you might find. We approach styles from a homebrewer’s perspective, but also present conversations with professional brewers to more fully understand style guidelines and brewing techniques.

The course is completely on demand, allowing you to complete it on your schedule. Once purchased you'll have unlimited access to the course content with no expiration or time limit.

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Product Details

What’s Included?

Chapter 01: What Is a Cold IPA?

  • Lesson 01: Course Overview
  • Lesson 02: What Is (and Isn’t) a Cold IPA?
  • Lesson 03: Pro Brewer Interview - Kevin Davey (Wayfinder Beer)

Chapter 02: More Cold IPA Tips from Pro Brewer

  • Lesson 01: Pro Brewer Interview - Aaron Herman (Arbeiter Brewing)
  • Lesson 02: Pro Brewer Interview - Dr. Kristen England (Bent Brewstillery)

Chapter 03: Homebrewing Cold IPA

  • Lesson 01: Chill Factor Cold IPA (Extract & All-Grain)
  • Lesson 02: Colden Oldie Cold IPA (All-Grain, Dip Hopped, Pressure Fermented)

Chapter 04: Additional Resources

  • Lesson 01: Closing Thoughts on Cold IPA & Additional Resources
  • Lesson 02: Course Evaluation Survey

How To View This Course

  1. Once the course is purchased you will receive an email from Northern Brewer University.
  2. Open the email and click the link to set your password.
  3. Choose your password.
  4. Once your password is set you will be automatically logged-into the Northern Brewer University site and you can begin the course!

If you misplace your email you can always log into the Northern Brewer Course Page Here.

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