Briess Amber Malt Extract Syrup

Item Number: 20023

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Northern Brewer's Briess Sparkling Amber Malt Extract Syrup is composed of pale malt with caramel 60 for a grainy caramel sweetness and Munich malt for increased complexity and fullness.

An excellent choice for beers that depend on rich malt flavors. Provides a solid base for Amber Ales, Bocks, Scottish beers, Brown Ales, and more. Approximately 10.0º Lovibond and 1.036 ppg. Our malt jugs are made from BPA-free plastic.

Northern Brewer's Briess Malt Syrups are some of the freshest malt extracts you can buy. Our high rate of turnover -- we package and sell hundreds of gallons every day -- means that the syrup you receive won't have been sitting on the shelf for months. Fresh malt extract makes better beer!

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