FastWasher Rack

Item Number: 43359

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Northern Brewer is your exclusive homebrew supplier of the brand new FastWasher Rack!

Cleaning and Sanitizing are truths in homebrewing and winemaking you simply cannot ignore. The FastWasher Rack allows you to focus on what matters to you the most — the brewing. The FastWasher Rack is durable, easy to use, and versatile for just about any fermenter you can throw at it. You’ll be wishing you had one for not only cleaning but for rinsing and sanitizing as well.

If you have used FastWasher 12 or 24 you are going to love the new FastWasher Rack. Once again the creators of the FastWasher family are bringing you another Get Out of Chores Free card. Engineered from dishwasher safe high-density plastic, it’s easy to assemble in minutes no tools needs. Even more simple to use, place the FastWasher Rack in a sink or bin filled with cleaning solution, invert the fermenter or keg onto the FastWasher Rack and let the powerful pump do the rest. Use your FastWasher 12 anywhere with the highly recommended Cleaning & Sanitizing Tote (not included). No scrubbing. No nonsense. Just extra time to start your next batch or enjoy the last.

Clean and sanitize almost every type of fermenter from 1 gallon to 14 gallons. From glass to plastic and even stainless steel, if it fits on the FastWasher Rack it will clean it.

Place the FastWasher Rack with pump in the Cleaning & Sanitizing Tote or similar bin/sink. Fill tote or sink with your preferred cleaner solution, we recommend PBW. Lower inverted fermenter or keg over the center post so it rests on the FastWasher Rack, or Carboy adaptor if using. Plug in the pump and let the FastWasher Rack do the rest.
Note: Make sure to have a fermenter/keg on the FastWasher Rack before plugging in the unit, it will start to pump cleaner right away.

Compatible with all Big Mouth Bubblers and Little Big Mouth Bubblers. Along with our Sovereign Stainless Steel Fermenters and all carboys that Northern Brewer offers.


  • Submersible 530 Gallon per hour CE/UL pump
  • Fast Washer Rack w/ 4 legs
  • Carboy Adaptor
  • 12" Center Post with coupler and "T"
  • 3 barbed hose attachments


  • Size w/ barbed attachment: 10.5" wide x 15.5" long x 18" tall
  • Rack with just legs size: 10.5" wide x 15.5" long x 4.7" tall
  • Center Post OD 7/8" 

For more time-saving, creative solutions to everyday cleaning and fermenting check out our full lineup of FastFerment and FastWasher products!

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