LalBrew® Farmhouse™ Dry Yeast

Item Number: Y006

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LalBrew® Farmhouse™ is a non-diastatic hybrid that has been selected to make Saison-style and farmhouse-style beers. This product is the result of the research and development work of Renaissance Yeast in Vancouver BC, Canada. LalBrew® Farmhouse™ was selected using the most advanced breeding techniques. The Renaissance research team used classical and non-GMO methods to remove the STA1 gene, responsible for the diastatic activity of Saison yeasts. Care was taken to retain normal brewing sugar utilization to produce dry Saisons. Additionally, the patented technology from the University of California Davis (USA) ensures that the strain will not produce sulfurous favors, therefore enhancing the Saison yeast aroma characteristics.

  • Beer Styles: Saisons, Farmhouse-styles
  • Aroma: Clove, Pepper, Fruit Notes
  • Fermentation Temperature Range: 68 - 86°F
  • Attenuation: High
  • Flocculation: Low
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 13% ABV

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