Omega Yeast 101 Pilsner I

Item Number: 24-OYL101

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Now With 50% More Yeast!
Omega Yeast Pilsner I

OYL-101 Now With 50% More Yeast!

Species: Lager
Fermentation Temp Range (Degrees F): 48-56 Degrees F
Apparent Attenuation Range (%): 72-76%
Flocculation: Medium-High
Alcohol Tolerance: 0.09
Cell Count: 150 Billion

Pitching/Fermentation: Thought to be the H strain of the famous Plzen brewer, this lager strain has a dry and neutral taste profile and is gently malty with a lightly perceptible floral aroma. The first of the famous Czech strains inspiring America's most famous light, brilliantly clear, golden lagers. Commonly produces sulfur during fermentation that clears during lagering. Watch out for diacetyl.

Looking for a Liquid or Dry Yeast Substitution? The brewers at Old Ale Wholesale have tried most of them. The following are some suggestions that have worked for us.
Liquid Yeast Substitution: WY2001
Dry Yeast Substitution: Saflager S-24

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